Dr. Kimberly Wiley is a qualitative methodologist and nonprofit scholar. She serves as an assistant professor at the University of Florida in the Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences. Her research and teaching centralize nonprofit management and they build off her professional experience in the field of gender-based violence victim advocacy. She develops innovative tools for examining various qualitative data types in team-based settings.

Dr. Kimberly Wiley is the Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Leadership and Community Development at the University of Florida, Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences. She earned her doctorate from Florida State University in Public Administration with an emphasis on nonprofit organizations. She researches the relationship between nonprofit organizations and their public funders as well as qualitative methodology. She is particularly interested in domestic violence advocacy organizations serving families and youth. Though, she also enjoys testing new qualitative methods on data like social media and television. She won several awards for her work on faculty sexual misconduct and nonprofits in crisis. Her scholarship has been published in Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Public Administration, Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, and Public Policy & Administration.
Currently, she teaches Organizational Leadership in Nonprofits, Program Planning and Evaluation, and Professional Development. Before joining the faculty at UF, she served as an Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Management in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois Springfield, where she coordinated the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. Dr. Wiley has won UF/IFAS’s Innovative Teaching Award and UIS’s Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award. Her scholarship of teaching and learning has been published in the Journal of Public Affairs Education and the Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership.
Dr. Wiley has thirteen years of professional experience in the field of victim advocacy in local, state, and national nonprofits. Her experience includes coordinating children’s shelter services, providing training on domestic violence to Florida’s criminal justice system, and supporting domestic violence shelters through training and technical assistance. In these roles, she also addressed system-level change through policy development and advocacy.